Rp 100.000 Retail Price: Rp 50.000 / Milliliter 50% (MOQ: 500)
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Product Description

Palmute Imuno Booster

is a processed persimmon juice extract drink using autofermentation technology which contains Polysacharida, Beta Carotene, Vitamin E, Riboflavin, Pantothenic Acid, Pyridoxine, Vitamin B 12, Vitamin C, and several minerals such as Ca, Iodine, Magnesium, Fe, and Zn. The content of Polysacharida, beta-carotene and Vit E above can stimulate B cells to be active against bacteria; T cells are active against Virus and Cancer; Macropage is active against cancer, foreign chemicals and proteins. In other words, the biggest benefit of Palmute Imuno Booster is to increase the body's immunity/defense. Palmute Imuno Booster, which generally stimulates the productivity and activity of macrophages, is very useful as an agent for phagocytosis. This stimulation can increase the destruction of cancer cells, and also increase the removal of the remaining destroyed cancer cells from the blood by the phagocytic activity of these macrophages. The acidic polysaccharides contained in Palmute Imuno Booster can stimulate the secretion of interferon which is needed by diabetics so that it stimulates the pancreas to work actively to produce insulin. While the mineral and vitamin content contained in Palmute Imuno Booster, can stimulate / smooth blood circulation, improve the work of the nervous system and digestive system. Even in patients with mechanical disorders of the male sex organs can be overcome.

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PT. Rabana Sejahtera Indonesia

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