Pashmina Neck Scarf Neck Scarf Maron Motif Gesyal Pasmina Long

Retail Price: Rp 225.000 / Piece
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Product Description

Pashmina Neck Scarf Neck Scarf Maron Motif Gesyal Pasmina Long

is a chiffon scarf that is trendy designed with reversible scraf details, the tip is made of beads on 4 sides for easy adjustment so this scraf can also be used as a hijab.


Length: 154 cm

Width: 90 cm

Material: Chiffon

Note: The photo likeness is +/- 90% due to camera light effects and indoor photo shooting.

Unique Selling Point


Smooth Minimal ironing

Trendy designed

Reversible scraf, beaded tip on 4 sides for easy adjustment

This scraf can also be used as a hijab

Ladies, did you know that: A multi-application complementary scarf that makes variations and helps to highlight clothing, for example

Application on the neck

Application on the bag

Head accessories application

Outer application

Application on the belt

Change of coat in air-conditioned room

Sleeveless / Sabrina style cover

Pashmina application

Hijab application

Elegant gift

With the same outfit, it can be different only by wearing a scarf

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GE – SYAL started from GELANG (bracelett) and SYAL (scarf): is a social enterprise and our chapter of business are established of presenting our strong local culture for local market and for foreigners as well achieve social impact through our business based in East Java
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