Asymmetrical Brown Long Batik Maxi Skirt GESYAL

Retail Price: Rp 393.000 / Piece
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Product Description

Asymmetrical Brown Long Batik Maxi Skirt GESYAL

is a long skirt made of written batik which is ethnically designed in batik motifs with a line form, elastic waistband, and drawstring. Comfortable when used

Size Measurement
Waist: 64 cm with 6 cm elastic waist band
Hips:¢ Skirt length: 84 cm (untied) 110 cm

is a long skirt made of written batik which is ethnically designed in batik motifs with a line form, elastic waistband. Comfortable when used
• Material: Batik
liquid detergent + low heat ironing
• Note: The similarity of photos is +/- 90% due to camera light effects and indoor photo taking foto

• Unique selling points
• Long maxi skirt
• Ethnic design in batik motifs
• A line form, elastic waistband, form A line skirt
• Comfortable when used, adheres to the principle of long lasting fashion because the strap design can be adjusted for asymmetrical models or without straps for basic A line models
Multi style. Side shaved or stripped

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GE – SYAL started from GELANG (bracelett) and SYAL (scarf): is a social enterprise and our chapter of business are established of presenting our strong local culture for local market and for foreigners as well achieve social impact through our business based in East Java
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