Organic Coconut Sugar

Retail Price: Rp 40.000 / Kilogram (MOQ: 25)
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Product Description

Organic coconut sugar made from coconut sap. Suitable for flavoring and cooking. The coconut sugar has low glycemic index, which is safe for people with blood-sugar related health issues.

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PT Mega Inovasi Organik

PT Mega Inovasi Organik

We are now expanding our product lines with a new farmers group to produce more organic products such as long pepper, cubeb pepper, vanilla, fresh and dry fruits. We also work together with our farmers in developing fair trade supply chain for our products and now be the first to produce organic coconut sugar fair trade under fair trade international.


To develop an integrated organic farmland with our farmer partners, by producing more organic products base on fair trade relationship and support the sustainability of the farms

ntegrated Organic Project

Every farmer in our farmland has an average of 500 m² of organic farmland that can be used to cultivate many organic products. By collaborating with our farmers, we expect to produce organic products such as coconut fruit, moringa, clove, pepper, ginger, turmeric, vanilla, cacao and many more shortly in future. We believe that this integrated organic farmland concept will help increasing our farmers’ income, and helps them to live above the poverty line.

Internal Control System

PT Mega Inovasi Organik is built upon a vision to help traditional farmers in Indonesia to live above the poverty line by opening a gate for their artisanal organic product to enter international market. We believe that the first thing to do is to bring the product to meet international standard for quality.

We maintain the quality of our organic coconut sugar by using the Internal Control System (ICS). This system enables us to track down the production lines to the very beginning and improve the traceability of our product.

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