Square Teak Wood Tray

Rp 650.000 Retail Price: Rp 550.000 / Piece 15% (MOQ: 5)
  • 20+ Rp 530.000
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5 product(s) Available
Wt - 003

Ubdy Bali

  • Gold Member

Ubdy Bali

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Ubdy Bali

  • Gold Member

Ubdy Bali

  • Gold Member

Product Description

Wt - 003 is a tray made of teak wood with a process that is done manually with a chisel (handmade) which has its own artistic value structured but smooth. This product uses finisihing naturally and naturally using olive oil so it will be very safe to use to serve food.

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Ubdy Bali

Ubdy Bali

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