The Importance of B2B E-commerce in Coffee Exports

05 Nov 2021

By Nurfitriyani Barokah

Coffee export in Indonesia has become very popular among local and overseas consumers because of their distinctive taste. Coffee is an important product within the Indonesian economy, where it's produced domestically, and one of the biggest exports of Indonesia.
Indonesia is known as the fourth largest producer of coffee beans in the world after Brazil, Vietnam, Colombia, and competes with other large producers such as Ethiopia, Honduras, India, Uganda and Mexico. Coffee beans are growing in many countries and Indonesia is one of them.
However, Indonesian coffee bean market is growing at a faster rate than the rest of the market worldwide. Despite this fact, Indonesia still lags behind most markets when it comes to export opportunities for coffee beans.
Coffee beans are now being produced in an unprecedented strength. The Indonesian government is now getting around to increasing the supply of high quality Indonesian coffee beans this year, with the result that Indonesia has once again become an important player in the global coffee bean market.
In the future, coffee bean export has great potential in terms of Business to Business (B2B) e-commerce. In fact, there are still very few countries that do not have a B2B e-commerce site. Indonesia itself now has an International B2B E-commerce Platform, namely This platform is based on a website that is very easy to access by anyone. is ready to supply a variety of coffee beans from various regions in Indonesia to foreign consumers.
With a website based platform such as, coffee export in Indonesia has become primarily an e-commerce business. Coffee producers in Indonesia can easily market their products and services to the global market. This will help them generate more leads and customers. Thanks to the sophistication of today's technology, they can reach consumers from various parts of the world in a faster time span than before.
The B2B e-commerce platform is a strong force in the coffee export market. More and more online coffee lovers are taking advantage of the B2B e-commerce platform to check, make purchases and find more information about their selected coffee beans. This platform helps companies create their product or content for different niches and target consumers with relevant information online using analytics tools.


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