How to Marketplace Indonesian Products Abroad and Domestic during the Pandemic

29 Okt 2021
By Destia
As the world faces a pandemic, businesses need to take extra precautions. One way is to do marketing on social media. Pandemic marketing is an effective strategy for businesses during a pandemic outbreak. This strategy involves considering the importance of the audience and determining how best to reach them during this difficult time.
In this vulnerable situation, marketing and communication efforts play an important role in maintaining business stability. To respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of social media is indeed very influential at this time. You need to do online promotion effectively. So what you have to make sure that your product marketing is successful is from the preparation process and the implementation process.
Business people are competing to dominate the market by changing the way of marketing and selling online, both domestically and abroad. And for those of you who do product marketing through social media, separate personal social media from social media for business. How quickly information goes viral when posted on social media, it would be even better if you create a website to showcase your products. Don't forget to regularly hold promotions, provide the best service, and innovate so that your products appear competitive, attractive, and need to be purchased immediately.
Then, if you want to sell your products abroad. You need to choose a marketplace that focuses on conducting international trade and provides convenience and comfort in conducting international trade. is present as an international B2B marketplace platform in Indonesia, aiming to make it easier for exporters to sell their products abroad. Because is supported by systems and features that can bring in buyers from all over the world to get products from Indonesia.


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