Declaration of Origin (DAB) or (Origin Declaration) is a statement of origin of goods made by a Registered Exporter (ER) or Certified Exporter (ES) for exported goods in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations, applicable international agreements or agreements, to obtain preferential rates.

Declaration of Origin (DAB) is a document proving that the goods to be exported have met the Rules of Origin of Indonesia and have the same legal force as the Certificate of Origin (SKA), so that they can be used as a substitute for SKA to obtain preferential tariffs in the export destination country.

Requirements for a Declaration of Origin (DAB)

To be able to use the Declaration of Origin (DAB), exporters must first be registered as Registered Exporters (ER) and / or Certified Exporters (ES) through the e-SKA system, in other words, DAB can only be made by Exporters who have been registered as ER and / or ES and has been given the authority by the Ministry of Trade to issue a DAB (Origin Declaration) for export goods from Indonesia.

Declaration of Origin of Goods for Registered Exporters (ER) DAB for ER, is used as a document accompanying goods for export to member countries of the European Union (EU), which proves that the goods to be exported have met the Rules of Origin of Indonesia . The DAB is used as a substitute for the Certificate of Origin (SKA) Form A.

Declaration of Origin of Goods for Registered Exporters (ES) DAB for the ES, used as supporting documents for exports to member countries of ASEAN, which proves that the goods to be exported have met the Rules of Origin Indonesia (Rules of Origin of Indonesia) in the Asean Trade in Goods Agreement (Agreement on Trade in Goods of ASEAN ). The DAB is used as a substitute for the Certificate of Origin (SKA) Form D (ATIGA), and also as a substitute for electronic Form D.

The requirement to be defined as an ES is that you must first be registered as an ER. (please click the following link for information about Registered Exporters / ER)

Regulations Regarding Declaration of Origin (DAB)

Minister Decree No. 111 of 2018 regulates the Terms and Procedure for Declaration of Origin of Goods ( Origin Declaration ) for Indonesian Exported Goods

Declaration of Origin for ER (GSP-EU)

Declaration of Origin for ES