The enforcement of MOT 71/2020

MOT 71/2020 contains the Rules of Origin of Indonesia and the Issuance of Documents of Origin for Indonesian Goods in the Asean Trade In Goods Agreement.

The Minister of Trade Regulation came into effect on September 20, 2020, the provisions regarding the types, forms and procedures for filling out the SKA Preference ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement (Certificate of Origin "Form D") in the previous Minister of Trade Regulation, namely Regulation of the Minister of Trade Number 24 of 2018 which has experienced changes several times, is revoked and declared no longer valid.

The enforcement of MOT 71/2020

Information on the origin of exported goods from Indonesia to other ASEAN member countries can be in the form of:

  • Preference SKA, namely Certificate of Origin printed using Form D where the format and procedure for filling Form D has been determined .
  • Electronic SKA, namely SKA without being printed on Form D
  • Declaration of Origin (DAB), where DAB can be submitted by exporters who have received recognition as Certified Exporters (ET).

Of the three types of information on the origin of the goods above, it cannot be used simultaneously, choose one, you can use only Preference SKA or use only Electronic SKA or you can also use DAB only.

Here is the link to download Permendag Number 71 of 2020:

ASEAN Self-Certification (AWSC)

ASEAN Independent Certification (AWSC) or also known as ASEAN Wide Self-Certification (AWSC) is trade facilitation for exporters who already have competency requirements and have also met the Rules of Origin in the ASEAN Trade In Good Agreement (ATIGA), which is then determined as an exporter. Certified (ES) to make their own Declaration of Origin (DAB) required in the ATIGA and DAB tariff preference claim can be used as a substitute for SKA Preference Form D (hard copy) and / or SKA Form D electronically.

ASEAN Independent Certification (AWSC) has been agreed upon by all ASEAN member countries to be implemented on September 20, 2020. By registering the company as a Certified Exporter (ET), this gives exporters in Indonesia more options to use the Declaration of Origin (DAB) as a substitute. SKA Form D, which DAB provides a lot of convenience and efficiency to get preference for export destinations to other ASEAN member countries.

Benefits of ASEAN Self-Certification (AWSC)

  • Exporters can make a Declaration of Goods (DAB).
  • The Declaration of Asala Barang (DAB) does not require approval from IPSKA, so even during holidays you can make a DAB.
  • The Declaration of Origin of Goods (DAB) simplifies export documents, because it is sufficient to print on a commercial papper (can be printed on an Invoice / Packing List and does not require special forms such as Form D.
  • The use of the Declaration of Origin (DAB) will reduce the workload and efficiency when compared to having to use a hard copy of SKA Form D.
  • The time needed to do the DAB is shorter than having to make SKA form D.