Retail Price: Rp 7.500.000 - Rp 12.000.000

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PT SGS Indonesia

  • Verified vendor
  • Gold Member

PT SGS Indonesia

  • Gold Member
Verified vendor
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PT SGS Indonesia

  • Verified vendor
  • Gold Member

PT SGS Indonesia

  • Gold Member
Verified vendor

Product Description

Layanan pengawasan pemuatan dan pelepasan SGS membantu melindungi keamanan, integritas, dan kualitas produk Anda di seluruh rantai pasokan.

Inspektur kami dapat hadir penuh waktu di setiap tahap operasional untuk memberikan pengawasan pemuatan dan pengawasan pelepasan, memastikan Anda menerima aliran informasi yang konstan dan langsung.

Untuk memberi Anda kendali dan ketenangan pikiran yang Anda butuhkan, layanan pengawasan pemuatan dan pengawasan pelepasan kami meliputi:
1. Layanan pengambilan sampel dan pengujian
2. Penentuan kuantitas dan berat
3. Verifikasi kemasan dan label
3. Layanan penyegelan
4. Pengendalian operasional bongkar muat
5. Pemantauan suhu
6. Ketertelusuran
7. Pelaporan waktu nyata dengan pembaruan situasi, memantau setiap item yang menjadi perhatian

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PT SGS Indonesia

PT SGS Indonesia

  • Gold Member
Verified vendor

SGS is the world’s leading inspection, verification, testing and certification company. We are recognized as the global benchmark for quality and integrity. With more than 89,000 employees, we operate a network of more than 2,600 offices and laboratories around the world.

Our core services can be divided into four categories:

  • Inspection: our comprehensive range of world-leading inspection and verification services, such as checking the condition and weight of traded goods at transshipment, help you to control quantity and quality, and meet all relevant regulatory requirements across different regions and markets
  • Testing: our global network of testing facilities, staffed by knowledgeable and experienced personnel, enable you to reduce risks, shorten time to market and test the quality, safety and performance of your products against relevant health, safety and regulatory standards
  • Certification: we enable you to demonstrate that your products, processes, systems or services are compliant with either national or international standards and regulations or customer defined standards, through certification
  • Verification: we ensure that products and services comply with global standards and local regulations. Combining global coverage with local knowledge, unrivalled experience and expertise in virtually every industry, SGS covers the entire supply chain from raw materials to final consumption.
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